Bunny was a lively rabbit. He was always in the company of some animal or the other. He was
friendly with all of them
Once, Bunny heard a pack of hunting dogs in the forest. He was afraid that they would catch him. He ran to a deer he thought was his close friend and said, "Dear brother, I hear a pack of hunting dogs in the forest nearby. Please save me. You have such sharp antlers. You can thrash them. Please help me, friend!" The coolly replied, "I am sorry, Bunny. I am too busy to help you out. Go and find someone else for your help."
Bunny ran to many of his friends - the bear, the monkey, the zebra, and even the panther. They all gave the same reply. Finally, the tired Bunny met a mouse and told his pathetic state. The mouse replied, "Why are you panicking. just get into your borough and stay inside till the pack leaves this area. Yor]u shall be safe." Bunny went happily.
Two Frogs
A group of frogs was traveling through the woods, and two of
them fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs saw how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead. The two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump up out of the pit with all their might. The other frogs kept telling them to stop, that they were as good as dead. Finally, one of the frogs took heed to what the other frogs were saying and gave up. He fell down and died.
The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die. He jumped even harder and finally made it out. When he got out, the other frogs said, "Did you not hear us?" The frog explained to them that he was deaf. He thought they were encouraging him the entire time.
Moral: There is a power of life and death in the tongue. An encouraging word to someone who is down can lift them up and help them make it through the day. So be careful of what you say. Speak life to those who cross your path. The power of words... it is sometimes hard to understand that an encouraging word can go such a long way.
A selfish fox once invited a stork to dinner at his home in a hollow tree. That evening, the stork flew to the fox’s home and knocked on the door with her long beak. The fox opened the door and said, “Please come in and share my food.”
The stork was invited to sit down at the table. She was very hungry and the food smelled delicious! The fox served soup in shallow bowls and he licked up all his soup very quickly. However, the stork could not have any of it as the bowl was too shallow for her long beak. The poor stork just smiled politely and stayed hungry.
The selfish fox asked, “Stork, why haven’t you taken your soup? Don’t you like it?”
The stork replied, “It was very kind of you to invite me for dinner. Tomorrow evening, please join me for dinner at my home.”
The next day, when the fox arrived at the stork’s home, he saw that they were also having soup for dinner. This time the soup was served in tall jugs. The stork drank the soup easily but the fox could not reach inside the tall jug. This time it was his turn to go hungry.
A selfish act can backfire on you.
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